Wednesday, April 7, 2021

My Background Music!


Todays Manaia Kalani's session, Mr 4E Told Everyone to make a background sound to post on our blogs.

  I made a Background sound, but I was outside so the music was very glitchy when I recorded, for my screencastify. My sound was very relaxing without the glitch, it almost made me fall asleep a few times. The website I used is...Lo-Fi Player! ON that specific website, you can press a few objects on the screen to change the settings, and other things like that. 

Hopefully when you watch this screencastify, you don't get bothered by the glitch in the sound! 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

How to use...MATHLETICS!


Today for Manaiakalani, I had three options to... Shower a younger person than you how to use mathletics, how to use mathletics for a slightly more engaged person, and how to use our class Manawanui class sight.

I chose to do how to use mathletics, but not for a beginner, but for someone that kinda knows how to use mathlets ,but doesn't fully know. I hope ya'll find this video very helpful, bye!