Thursday, September 17, 2020

My Magic show!

 Do YOU believe in magic?

Ladies and gentlemen, for todays magic show  I am going to do transitions without cheating. (Awesome right)

The transitions\magic I will be doing is disappearing, putting my hoodie on and off and many more. The video skills Im using at the moment is trimming\cutting of the correct parts of my Wevideo, without messing up. The next steps for my video are learning more about how to use Wevideo and when I get better at Wevideo I can sucessefully help others.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

My Scratch game! ~ HoW tO wAlK wItH yOuR dEvIcE CORrE cOrReCtLy

 Finally I can do another scratch game!😁 I really like doing scratch games because I enjoy using my own character and moving it. Press HERE to see my first ever blog on blogger. 

I chose how to walk with a chromebook correctly because walking with a chromebook correctly is very important for a chromebook so it doesn't break. I could've added a dance party but I didn't have enough time to :( You could also have a look at Summers blog because she has a great idea of how to use your blog.

The story I'm trying to tell by using my scratch game is how to walk with a chromebook sensibly. The coding skills I'm using at the moment are how to change background to background. The coding skills I'm trying to learn are how you move your character/sprite with your arrow keys. If there is any feedback that you need to say about my blogger post please tell me.👍