Thursday, June 18, 2020

My First Animation

Have you made an animation?😐
We were learning about how we make an animation out of our extinct animals.
I found it easy to create my moa because when I focus I can get work finished correctly.👍
I found it hard to put my moa in the right place, but not muddle it up.😡
I really enjoyed making an enjoyable animation for people to watch.
Next time I need to do year six learning with level three ideas,writing.😅

Friday, June 5, 2020

Hello...Goodbye poem

We were learning about writing a poem about saying hello to the things you did after lockdown and saying goodbye about the things we did during lockdown.
I found it easy to think of ideas to write down in my hello goodbye poem.
I found it hard to get help with knowing what to do because I wasn't here on the day my class did the poem.
I really enjoyed finishing the poem and doing my background as well as using a font on my letters.
Next time I need to put more punctuation and level 3 writing into my writing more.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

My extinct animal

We were learning about making extinct animals.
I found it easy to find and pick an extinct animal.
I found it hard to try and make my extinct animal using the perfect shaped for it.
I really enjoyed making extinct animals while sitting next to my friends.
Next time I need to try harder at finding good shapes and good texture.

My Chrome Pet

We were learning about how is looking after a chromebook like looking after a pet?
I found it easy to make my chromepet because I have have made something relatable to my chrome pet before.
I found it hard to listen and keep up with the steps because mr fourie was going to fast at explaining.
I really enjoyed making my chromepet with my friends.
Next time I need to add more detail to my chromepet next time.